November 7, 2019 – Congratulations, you’ve (we’ve) made it 11/12ths thru the year and our third installment of fitness advice and tips! If you’re like me, you’re hoping that 2020 brings with it better vision in all things. That said, now’s as good a time as any to start taking stock of what you did (or didn’t do but meant to do) over the past year. That’s the beauty of a day-by-day, week-by-week, or year-by-year approach to things: you’ve got an opportunity to make changes every day!
This month, we’ll take a look at:
- men pushing (and passing) 40 and weightlifting
- shiny, bright tech objects and consumerism (’tis the season!)
- the skinny on diets and dieting
Fitness Advice and Tip #1
40 is the new 30, 50 is the new 40, or 45 is 45. No matter what camp you ascribe to, age is the number corresponding to the years since your mom gave birth to you. Other variations associated with your age (fitness age, “how old” you look, etc.) are calculated by various methods. Naturally, some of these “calculations” aren’t very scientific.
I’ve told both my clients and students to do what they can as often as they can when it comes to exercise. I’ve also told them to make sure to include cardio, resistance, neuromotor, and flexibility training. The better you take care of yourself in these areas early on, the more “gracefully” you’ll age – regardless of the calculation you use!
The good news is, whether you’re pushing 40 or you’re already past 50, you’ll still reap the benefits of regular exercise. In other words, it’s never too late! The key is creating a routine that you can consistently stick to. And this is despite everything going on in, well, basically… your life! If you can do that, then you’ll likely see those GAINZ thru your 30s, into your 40s, and beyond.
This T-Nation piece digs a bit deeper into the subject and includes some good news (you don’t have to always train hard!) It has some aesthetics (build the muscles you want so you look the way you want!) And it also has a suggested training schedule (hint: it doesn’t involve HOURS at the gym.)
Fitness Advice and Tip #2
For better (or for worse), technology has had a profound impact on our lives. Phones with cameras and apps. Smart watches which track our every move and heart beat. Doodads which turn lights off and on, watch our front doors, and play music for us. I’m definitely one for the “less-is-more” minimalist approach, but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate the smartwatch my brother-in-law gave me last Christmas any less!
As we barrel toward the holidays and gift-giving, it’s a given that there are more than a few of us with eyes glazed over. At what? Why the thought of a bright, shiny, new piece of personal technology under the tree of course! Guilty over here! 👋🏽 There’s a fair amount of discussion as to *why* some of us have this desire for “stuff” which may not necessarily benefit us. The Minimalists pegged the subject with an author’s daughter. Have you tried putting the thought of that object out of your mind for just a day? To see if you actually remember it the next day? Sometimes, all we need is a little bit more of a minimalist approach to life.
Dr. John takes the minimalism one step further in “The Original Heart Rate Training System for Performance and Recovery.” It’s 100% free, however you’ll need access to MS Excel or Google Sheets and it will take some brainpower on your part. The good news? It’s not something else you have to wear, suit up in, or buy an extended warranty for. You also don’t have to sync it with your phone, computer, or the cloud! 🙂
Fitness Advice and Tip #3
Rounding out our monthly three is nutrition, specifically diets and dieting. The consensus is… well… there is no consensus! People are SO different from one another (the way they were raised, genetics, likes, dislikes, habits, lack of habits, etc.) that one diet which may prove to be the key for one person will be a complete, total, and utter failure for another!
Basically, there is nothing new in the diet universe. Complicating matters further is that the research results for each diet varies considerably. On top of that, depending on who you talk to, you could end up with even more spin on the story. Suffice it to say, diets and dieting will continue to be an ongoing source of debate, whether you’re for them or against them. So what to do? Bottom line is: if it works for you and you like it, go for it. But remember, be sure to check with your doc or a Registered Dietitian. Especially if you’re doing it because of a medical diagnosis,
In conclusion…
There’s a lot to be thankful for this month. After all, modern technology has allowed us to do things we never thought possible just 10 years ago. Heck, even the ability to track my students’ efforts in class has cut down tremendously on burnout and even fear for beginners! However, it’s important to keep a grasp on the reality of things. We still need to put the work in to get stronger, faster, healthier, and live longer! We also need to make sure to remain in contact with credentialed professionals, medical or otherwise. They’ll help us with more complex decisions concerning our health and fitness.
Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!